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Why Precise?

Market Access that

Cuts Costs and Lead Times

Access distributor insights and benefits that keep you aware and competitive.

Texas-Based Manufacturing | Precise Connections, Inc.
Assembled in the USA | Precise Connections, Inc.

Producing products for multiple industries has equipped us with connections
with distributors and manufacturers around the world. Those partners like
working with us... a lot. So much so that they regularly extend special benefits
to us to strengthen our customer relationships and ensure ongoing business.
They look out for you by offering us special pricing, giving us preference in
obtaining scarce materials, waving fees, and informing us early about market
changes and new opportunities. Their 
commitment to giving us an edge will
give you an edge. As one of our partners,
you'll have a worldwide team of
market specialists looking out for your



In the current market, a huge issue for ECMs and distributors alike is component allocation. Material shortages have placed global holds on key components, pushing lead times out more than a year in many cases. Our vendors put us first in obtaining allocated parts, ensuring that your builds experience minimal to no delays. In many cases, this gets your product on the market before your competitors can even complete production.


Vendors are also willing to offer us special pricing to ensure that we win and keep bids. Even in instances where multiple ECMs are quoting the same quantities for the same end customer (you), our stability, integrity and relational business model consistently earns us the lowest supplier quotes. Plain and simple, our suppliers prefer doing business with us over the other guys, saving you time and money when you choose to work through us.


When it comes to custom part fabrication—such as metalwork, plastics, or labeling—gaining precedence in a manufacturer's schedule can prove impossible. Yet, our friendships with custom fabricators across numerous industries have won us preference in scheduling. Manufacturers will bend over backwards to ensure that we are able to support our clients' schedules, even when it means modifying their own schedules and working late. 



Our vendors understand that knowledge is power. Staying competitive means keeping ahead of market swings and new product innovations, thereby being proactive rather than reactive. When it comes to new product solutions, industry changes, raw material accessibility, price changes, and more, our vendors are eager to share the "inside scoop" with our team. Our steady flow of insider information from concerned suppliers helps keep your product alive by maintaining a cutting edge.


Check out the Supply Chain Management section of our Box Builds: Beyond the Board page for more information.

Market Access | Precise Connections, Inc.
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